
Monday, October 13, 2014

My Weekend Of Fun

So...I had a totally awesome weekend!

Oh. Yeah.

Here's what went down.

On Saturday, I ran a 5K. It was kind of impromptu because I had been planning for one next week but it was cancelled. I found this one that was not too far from me and signed up for it on Thursday. I was pretty sure I could shave more time of my 5K because I've been feeling amazing during my runs lately. I had run a pretty hard 8 miler (with 3 miles at tempo) on Thursday but didn't feel too tired from it.

On race morning, I got up...and went for a 17 mile ride. Yes, I rode first. I wasn't sure I could get it in after and it had to be done so I did it. I came back, ate breakfast, changed, and headed out to the race. After I got my bib, I ran back to my car and then ran a 15 min warm-up. The race started a little late and it was already getting a little warm.

I ran hard and tried not to let my pace drop. It was an out and back course so I could see how many women were in front of me and I didn't want any one to pass me. I passed 6 women and 1 one woman passed me near the end. Damn it. I heard her coming but couldn't fend her off. We had a slight uphill and two turns and then it was a tiny downhill to the finish. I saw the clock said 27 something and ran like hell to see if I could make it under 28. And da da da! I did!

27:57 for my official time. That's 2 faster than the San Dimas 5K I ran 2 weeks ago! Woo!

I also knew that there weren't very many women in front of me so I was excited to see how I did. They had computers where we could look up the times and see the stats:

Yeah! 5th Woman and 3rd in my AG. Hey, it still counts even if it was a small race, right? RIGHT? I'm counting it. :)

I waited around for the awards ceremony which wasn't too hard since they had people there to stretch you out and then for food there was Chick-fil-A. Yum. Turns out that woman who passed me near the end was in my AG and they did awards for 40-49 instead of 45-49 but I was still 3rd. Woo!

After that, I went to the gym because there is no rest for the wicked. Here's last week's stats:

Running - 37.1 miles (13.1, 6.5 (8x1 min hill springs), 4.2, 8 (tempo), and 5.3 (5K + warm up/cool down))
Riding - 121 miles
Weight training - 5 hours

On Sunday, I ran 14 miles. I was slightly tired from the day before but took it easy and ran a 11:27 pace for the run. I feel like I'm ready for Rock & Roll LA Half in 2 weeks!

The rest of Sunday was filled with family fun since my AZ family was in town. Always a good day when I get to hang out with them!
I am pretty darn lucky to have such a good life. Sure, I wish some things could be different but I am pretty happy right now. I thought a lot about my friend Scott this weekend, especially while running. The Ironman World Championships were Saturday and Scott is an Ironman. I don't even know how many he's done, he's done so many. And many, many Halfs & Marathons. Scott is a member of the Running Elvi and just brings a lot of fun to endurance sports.

Scott also has ALS. He told us earlier this year and it is devastating. He is handling it with grace and humor. Much better than I would. Than I am. I just keep thinking how unfair it is that he finally found happiness and has a 5 year old son and then he is hit with this. IT'S NOT FAIR! :(

But Scott is the kind of person who cheers people up. This past weekend, he went to Comic Con and went as Professor X. Instead of being depressed about being in a wheelchair, he turned it around to something fun. I need to do that. I need to make sure I bring the fun to running. For him. For me. For whoever I can.

That's why I am wearing the Running 4 Those Who Can't shirts. This weekend, I ran for Scott. Because I can.

1 comment:

  1. Congrats again on your race and your impressive training!

    Scott sounds like an impressive person. That really sucks. It'd be great if you posted a photo of the two of you together (he sounds like he has an amazing sense of humor - Professor X and the Running Elvi??).

    Where do you get those shirts?
