
Friday, October 17, 2014

Five For Friday - 10/17/14

I had a great week! I hope you did too. :)

Here is my list of 5 things I'm thankful for this week:

1. I'm thankful I got to spend time with my nieces, nephew, and sister on Sunday. It was a wonderful surprise! And a double bonus to have my favorite partners in crime for an ice cream run!

2. I'm thankful for all the Halloween decorations which make running and riding so fun now.

3. I'm thankful my staff doesn't think I'm a bad boss and I get things like this for Boss's Day:
Caramel Smores Brownie cupcakes! Which I shared with the rest of my staff and my boss. 

4. I'm thankful for a great trainer who pushes me and listens to what I want out of our sessions. Last night we measured me and I weighed 177.6 and my body fat was 22.5%. And I could do a Pilates Roll Up which I could not do at all in July! Woo!

5. Finally, I am thankful for my Amazon which helped me buy the last piece for my costume for Rock 'n' Roll LA Half next weekend. Hopefully, they help me fly!

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