
Friday, October 10, 2014

Five For Friday - 10/10/14

Yay! It's Friday. And a payday! And I'm racing tomorrow!

I had originally signed up for the Skirt Chaser 5K next Saturday but they cancelled the race (boo!). So I decided to run a local one tomorrow - Brian's Home Run 5K. Wish me luck!

Without further's this week's list of things I'm thankful for.

1. First and most importantly, I'm thankful for an all clear from my oncologist at my 1 year follow up on Monday!

2. I'm thankful I was able to get my blood sugar under control so I don't have to take meds for that. I have a history of diabetes in my family (my dad is and my sister is pre-diabetic). I hate taking meds so would much rather it be normal on it's own.

3. I'm thankful I got to see the Blood Moon and run while I watched the eclipse.

4. I'm thankful for Halloween decorations because they make my rides to/from work more fun...and some of them are just hilarious! Love this one!

5. I'm thankful for a great staff and a great boss who make going to work fun (even during crazy, busy times like now) and who never get tired of me talking about running. Or at least, they don't let me know if they are. ;) But they do ask about it so I am hopefully not too obnoxious about it! :)

Have a great weekend!

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