
Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Magic Wands & Tiaras

Last week, I finally hit 40 miles running for the week. I thought I was never going to break 30 mpw again and then boom...41.5 miles. Woo!

I added a day so now I'm running 6 days a week (Mondays off) and am planning to keep the 6th run to an easy lunch run on Fridays.

Here's the stats for last week:

Running - 41.5 miles (14, 7, 4.2, 8.3, 2.6, 5.4)
Riding - 124 miles
Weight - 5 hours

I had some very solid runs last week too. The 14 miler was awesome and I ran 10x200s on Tuesday and then Thursday was a tempo run. So, so fun to see the pace for those 200s. Speed work is hard but there is a bounce in my step after. It makes me feel accomplished. :)

This week is a rest week. I usually do 3 build weeks and then week 4 is a rest week. I am cutting back 25% on running, riding, and weights. That's the plan anyway. Still running 6 days but easier and shorter though still with some intensity.

I hadn't decided whether or not to really race the Rock 'n' Roll LA Half on Sunday or not. I hadn't really planned on it but am curious to see where I am now for it. Based on my 5K time, I should be able to run a 2:10 Half but I don't think I'm there yet stamina wise. But I don't know! Am I? Am I just being too conservative?

I was thinking of going for 10:35-11:00 min pace. That would let me shave 10 to 15 min off my time from the Leading Ladies Half. Should I try for faster though? That is the million dollar question.

Well, at least I have my outfit for the race ready. I made my tutu this weekend.
I had the wings already and this weekend I found a magic wand and a tiara to wear. Luckily, I had a coyote to model it. (really supposed to be a wolf but I consider it a coyote because there AREN'T any! And why not? Coyotes are cute! Right?)
I just have to figure out what to wear to keep my hair under control and keep the tiara on. Might look for a headband at the expo on Saturday.

I'm thinking if anyone asks what kind of fairy I am, I'm going to say I'm the PB Fairy (Pink & Blue Personal Best Fairy). So if I see you on Sunday and you want me to grant you a PB with my magic wand, just let me know! :)

In the meantime, I'm going to take a page out of Jenks' book (he is a pro napper) and try and rest the next 4 days.

 Have a great week!

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