
Thursday, November 6, 2014

The Next Phase

So...I am starting the next phase of my training. Did I mention that I signed up for the LA Marathon on 3/15/15? Well, I decided that instead of trying to figure out what to do to get there on my own, I would get a coach again! I asked Justin (@gilletterunning) if he would take me on again and he said yes. We start next week!

My training is going really well and I think I have done okay but I think part of is just the benefit of having lost weight and regaining my strength. I need/want more specific workouts to reach my goals. I am looking forward to the torture, I mean, fun workouts he sends me. ;)

Here's what I did last week:
Running - 41.5 miles (7 runs, including a double on Thursday)
Cycling - 124 miles
Gym - 3 hours. I didn't make it to the gym after RnRLA and I didn't make it on Saturday either. Saturday, at least, I worked out with the weights I have at home.

This week has been stellar so far. On Sunday, I ran 15 miles which is a post cancer Personal Long!
Funny thing was it was at a faster pace than the RnRLA. I ran the first 10 miles at an 11ish mile pace and then 4 at HMP and then a 1 mile cool down. I felt really good at the end too. Where RnRLA had me wondering if I was fooling myself about how far I'd come, this run gave me a lot of confidence that I am improving.

On Tuesday, I ran 8x400s and that went really well too. I averaged 2:04 for the 400s and ended up setting a post cancer PR for the 10K. Woo! It was a really solid and fun run.

Then today, I ran 8.8 miles and ran 5 at tempo (9:50) and that went just as well. I felt really good and was pleased with how it went. And then I found out I set another post cancer PR for the 10K! Have I mentioned how much I love my Garmin? I love that it tells me when I set a new record. It's like a high five from my training partner. :)

One other change I made is that I decided to go back to doing Pilates on Wednesdays and maybe Sundays so I will only hit the gym 3 or 4 times a week now. I really need Pilates or Yoga to help with the tightness in my hips, shoulders, and back.

So, that's the latest. I am one happy runner girl right now and I'm really getting excited for the races I have coming up!

Hope you are having a great week! Thanks for reading!

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