
Friday, November 7, 2014

Five For Friday - 11/7/14

I missed last week! But here's my list of 5 things I'm grateful for this week:

1. I'm SO grateful my grandpa is okay. He hit his head on Monday and had to get stitches. He's 92 and very active and I am lucky I get to have him in my life.
2. I'm grateful Jenks lets me sleep at night. I've fallen asleep before 8 the past 2 nights (yes, I'm OLD! ;) ) and he hasn't made a peep the whole night until the alarm went off in the morning. What a good boy! And cute!

3. I'm also grateful he didn't bite me when I put him in that costume! ;) (he tried though...that's my boy!)

4. I'm grateful I got to take my mom to see the Dancing With A Twist show on Saturday night. We have watched a lot of Dancing With The Stars (2 of the pros put on the show along with others from SYTYCD and American Idol) together and it was something we did while I was recovering from surgery last year and going through chemo. It was a very small way to be able to thank her.

5. And finally, I'm grateful I have a fun, safe place to run near work during lunch.
Have a great weekend!

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