
Thursday, December 29, 2011

Happy New Year

I am going to be a little bit busy this weekend so I wanted to wish you all a very Happy New Year!

I could not have asked for a better year than 2011. I am truly blessed to be able to do the things I love, to see our beautiful country, and to meet so many amazing, wonderful people. Life is damn good for me right now!!!

I'm not making any sporty resolutions this year. 2012 is all about fun for me. No pressure, just run & ride however much I want, whenever I want. I plan to race but not taper for anything and just go with it. You know? I'm sure I'll throw in some fartleks here or there and some tempos, of course, because I enjoy them. But no intervals for me. Okay, maybe hill repeats. Gotta love them hills! But I'm not going to do anything I don't want to do. So there. ;)

Personally, I plan to stay in a size 4 (woo! doing the Snoopy dance), pay off my car by summer, save more, travel more, and take my Nikon out at least once a month. I am having some serious air show/car show/botanical garden withdrawals. I also need to corral the M&Ms, whether they like it or not, for updated portraits of them. It was so much easier when they were younger...not!

Anyway, my wish for you is that 2012 be filled with happiness, health, love, and lots of fun. Have a great weekend and good luck to everyone running! Especially all of you doing the New Years Double. I'll be thinking of you all while I run. :)

1 comment:

  1. Happy New Year to you too, Lisa! Can't wait to see what all is in store for you in 2012 and hoping to meet you in 2012 as well! We'll be thinking about you this weekend! Good luck on your 12 hour run!!!
