
Wednesday, December 28, 2011

3 Days From Now

3 Days from now, I will be San Francisco in the midst of running my first 12 Hour race at the New Years One Day!

Part of me still can't believe that I signed up for this. What was I thinking? Ever had those days when you are in the middle of an adventure gone awry and thought "Why do I always get myself into these messes?" I've had a couple of those...this one night in New Orleans (which we won't talk about!) and then a century ride I did on my own a couple of summers ago that I thought would never end or just might kill me. But I made it through both adventures. I'm not sure I'm smarter because of them but at least I have some stories to tell. ;)

Anyway, I signed up for the 12 Hour because one of my goals this year was to become an ultrarunner. I'd hoped to do it earlier in the year but because I had to drop to the Half at Seattle and then signed up for Santa Rosa in August, I didn't see how I could train for one in time. Then I found this 12 Hour and I knew I had to do it.

I also knew that running a 12 Hour would be different than anything I'd done before. With a half or a marathon, you have to cover a certain distance, usually by a certain time - the cut-off. But not with a 12 Hour. It's more relaxed. Whatever you do in that time is up to you and your legs so there isn't any pressure.

Of course, I can't be that "relaxed" person. I should be happy with anything over 50K but no, I had to set a goal of 50 miles for my 12 Hour. Do I think it's doable? Sure. Probably. Oh hell, I don't know but I have to have some goal to keep me focused and moving during it, right? So I put my goal out there in twitterverse and now I'll be accountable for it! Yikes!

But honestly, I'm not that nervous. A lot less so than my first marathon which was a complete unknown to me. Sure, I want to hit my goal but I also plan to have fun, meet my fellow runners, enjoy the sights, and just enjoy running.

Hell, I remember when I couldn't run 12 minutes straight and now I'm going for 12 HOURS! :) What's not to be happy and excited about?

So, here's the plan:

Run/walk (probably a 5/1 ratio until my body says otherwise) for 48 laps. At least. The loop is 1.06 miles and you have to complete a full lap by midnight in order for it to count so 48 is the magic number.

I should wear one of my Jimmie Johnson #48 shirts for this. That would be fun since he's fast and races in circles too, right? :) But I'm going to wear my Run It Fast shirt. It's so soft and comfy and I know it will bring me luck. I also plan to wear capris, and have arm coolers for the day time and arm warmers for the night time. And gloves and a jacket in case it gets cold. Oh, and extra socks and shoes.

I will take my own Gu and Gu Brew but will probably drink water during and take advantage of the foods at the aid stations (including pizza!). We can set up a chair in the park for our gear but since I'm flying, I might bring a towel to put my stuff on.

This is the link to the website for the New Years One Day:
If you want to check on my progress, they'll be posting hourly updates on it. And they also have a link if you'd like to send me an email during it. Please! :)(my bib # is 1220) I'll have my phone with me but don't know how I'll often I'll post updates to Twitter.

So that's it. All that's left to do is pack and in just 2 days I'll be flying up to the bay!

I hope you know how much all your support and your well wishes mean to me. Frankly, I've been floored by them. I'll be at the race alone but I won't be running alone. No, I'll be running with thoughts of all of you that day. Good, happy, warm fuzzy thoughts that will make me lighter than air. I hope. :)

1 comment:

  1. Love your attitude with this event Lisa! I never really considered a 12 hour event but I like your approach on it. Good luck and have fun, cant wait to hear about it!
