
Thursday, December 2, 2010

Hunting Down Dreams

Some people follow their dreams, others hunt them down and beat them mercilessly into submission. ~Neil Kendall

I love this quote. It's how I'm going about things in my life right now. I'm not just sitting back and hoping that my dreams come true. I'm working hard towards them. Some people hope for luck, I think we make our own. And it's all about gathering as much knowledge, experience, and skill for whatever it is you want to accomplish.

Right now I'm focusing on running and it's opening up opportunities for me to explore and travel. Something I thought I would never do. Because I was overweight. Because I was single. Because I was shy. Because I was broke. Because I was afraid. Blah, blah, blah...

So many reasons to not do the things I wanted to do. But those were just obstacles to overcome - losing 150+ pounds, getting out of debt, becoming more confident. Um, all except the single part (which I've come to see as an advantage). Do what you gotta to do to make things happen and things will fall into place. To borrow from Nike - Just Do It.

Speaking of just doing it...8 mile tempo run this morning. It was slightly faster than plan but I ran by feel. I think I got a little adrenaline kick when I saw the Bike Shop Boys out riding. I guess it's true when they say we run faster when we think we are being watched. Ha! ;) Today was also Run #2 of the 30 Runs in 30 Days. So far so good. Stats for yesterday and today:

Wednesday - 5K run (naked - no garmin and in my Five Fingers) and 15 mile bike commute.
Thursday - 8 miler and a 13 mile bike commute.

No trail running for Saturday's 18miler. Need to hit some marathon pace miles so I'll be on the road with only a couple small hills. What does it say about me that I'll miss them? One of my favorite running songs - Running Up That Hill by Placebo. I like this version better than Kate Bush version. It sounds like a heart beating.

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