
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Speed is Relative

I know I'm not supposed to compare my times to other people. But I can't help thinking that if I was faster, I could run more in less time. It's not about the numbers so much as that the coyote (the runner) and the bike geek war over who gets to do what. I know. Life is rough when your biggest problem is which of the things I love to do should I do more of!

Today's workout was 7x800s. I don't have a track near me so I do intervals on the bike trail. It's mostly flat and most of the sections are 1/4 mile, 1/2 mile, and even some 1 mile sections. So all my intervals aren't exactly the same because I'm varying where I do them. I suppose I could use one section (which I sometimes do for 400s). I'd rather use more of the trail. It's more interesting that way.

Today's 800s went pretty well. I was off the pace slightly from what I'd hoped. I'd plugged Saturday's 10K into Greg McMillan's Pace Calculator and it said my 800s should be in 4:18 at the slower end. Mine averaged 4:20/4:22. Funny thing is that the hardest part of intervals is to not daydream during them. If I don't concentrate, my pace falls off. I caught myself daydreaming twice today. I was already thinking about next year's races. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Focus on the now! I don't listen to music when I do intervals for that reason. I get distracted by music and find my pace following the music.

I've been busy the past two days:
Monday - 22 mile bike commute & core/legs/arms work.
Tuesday - 15 mile bike commute
8 mile run.

I also signed up for the Labor of Love, Love Me Two Times 1/2 Marathons @ Lovell Canyon, NV. And I joined the Fat Cyclist for Lose 10 Pounds by Christmas. And I am going to try 30 Runs in 30 Days with Libor and the other trifuelers. It's a traditon that Libor has been doing for a few years. Which should help me with the Daily Mile Challenge to Run 100 Miles. Whew. That's a lot of stuff. If this doesn't keep me on track thru December, I don't know what will. I'm not really expecting to lose 10 pounds by Christmas but I would like to see if I can lose a few pounds. And definitely not gain weight. Especially when I'm in Arizona the week before Christmas. Without my bike. Gulp.

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