
Monday, June 8, 2015

Fontana Days 5K Recap

On Saturday I ran the Fontana Days 5K. My old PR was 24:59 and I was hoping to beat that on Saturday. The plan was to run about an 8 min mile and pour it on at the end. I thought I could do it. My coach thought I could do it. But would I?

I had never really trained for the 5K before. I did them for fun and as speedwork while training for halfs and fulls. I knew this was a fast course - straight & downhill + smallish - so I felt like if I was going to PR, it would be there. I ran it last year in 31:11, my 2nd race post cancer but I had done it 25:15 in 2013 prior to finding out I had cancer. I told Justin that my goal was sub 25 and he gave me workouts to help get me there. My post cancer PR was 26:31 set back on 4/4 but it was on dirt and had more up than down. I felt like I had a sub 25 in me so we went for it.

There was one slight hitch! If you'll remember, I bought myself an Annual Pass to Disneyland & California Adventure for my birthday. I never got to go on my birthday because one of my staff was in India so I decided to go last Thursday. It was the last day for the So Cal pass before the summer block out period and also the only day that week with no grad night. I worried a tiny bit that I would tire myself out but no way was I missing my last chance to see the new parade and fireworks til August!

Anyway, I had a total blast! I got there at 8:30 in the morning and left at 10:30 that night. I rode a ton of rides, ate some yummy stuff, met a few friends, and saw the spectacular Paint The Night parade and Disneyland Forever fireworks!

On Friday, I got up and ran my last workout (easy 5 miler) before the race. I was tired but it was totally worth all the fun! I made sure I took it easy that day and rested. On Saturday, I got up at 4:15 and ate a breakfast burrito then got ready to go. I put on my new Skechers GoRun 4s...

and headed out. Yes, I know "no new things" on race day but this was only a 5K and they are so light and pretty! Checked in, got my bib & shirt, and waited for the bus to the start. The ride didn't take long and once I got there, I talked with a few runners for while and then did my warm-up (2.1 miles) and had a gel. It was a cool 60ish degrees, overcast, and no wind. Perfect PR conditions! I've said that so many times but this was the first time I felt like I was in a place to take advantage of it. the race started at 7:45. I was nervous but ready.

The mayor took us through a warm up routine and said a few words and then all of a sudden I realized they were counting down! We were off!

I'd gotten towards the front and to the side so I wouldn't have to dodge too many people in the beginning. It starts off downhill and we were flying! I looked at my watch and it said I was going sub 7 min and I backed off a little. I had this whole argument going on in my head about whether or not to slow down to 8 min or not. I finally decided I felt I could hold that effort for 3 miles so just went with how I felt. First mile was 7:25.

Not much to say about the 2nd mile. It didn't feel too painful. There was a water stop in this mile but I skipped it. I was still arguing in my head about pace but the side of me hoping for a huge PR urged me on! Second mile was 7:33.

Mile 3 was getting harder. I distracted myself with calculations. What will my time be if I continue at this pace. How much room is there between my new goal and my old goal, etc. Lol. I just ran as hard as I could but slowed down a bit. The course is a straight swoop to the finish so I could see the balloons and the finish line a ways back and just focused on that. There was also a girl running in front of me and I was trying to catch her to keep my pace up. Mile 3 was 7:40.

When we got to the .1 to go, I gave it all I had. I remember hearing someone say nice sprint. And then we were done! I looked at my watch and it said 23:47! PR! I was SO excited!

I got my medal (we also got the pin in our goody bags):
And then ran a one mile cool down. After that I looked at my Garmin and saw I had 2 new records! Fastest mile and fastest 5K! Which I pretty much knew because going into this, my fastest mile was 8 min at the Peter Cottontail 5K.
But...WOO! Then I waited for the results to be posted. And BAM! 2nd in my Age Group! Woo!

So I went over to the awards tent and picked up my AG medal! Yay!

I can't tell you how happy I am with this race! I ran this one smart and hard and beat my goal by a minute. I think I could have maybe...maybe run it a little harder because I didn't have to puke at the end. I remember when I ran that 25:15 and also the 24:59 at the Freedom 5000 that I felt sick after and had to sit down. But not on Saturday. And I ran 15 miles on Sunday and it wasn't too bad. My legs were a tiny bit sore but I didn't really feel tired. So maybe I could have gone a little faster? I don't know. Hmmm...

My next 5K will be the Freedom 5000 again on the 4th of July. I wonder what will happen there? :)

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Lisa, I'm Lindsey! I have a question and would love to speak with you regarding your medical journey. Could you please email me when you have a chance? I'd really appreciate it, thank you! Looking forward to hearing from you :) lindseyDOTcaldwellATrecallcenterDOTcom
