
Friday, November 21, 2014

Five For Friday - 11/21/14

I had a pretty great week! It was full of fun and running!

Here's what I'm thankful for this week:

1. I'm so thankful my mom came to see me at the Avengers Half on Sunday. It is so fun to have someone there cheering you on. Being single and traveling to races means I don't always have someone there for me at the end. I love that my mom is proud of me and one of my biggest cheerleaders. And that she lets me go on endlessly about my races! ;)
My mom & my niece Morgan

2. I am thankful for all of the Disney employees who cheered us on for the Avengers Half. Especially all of the ones wearing Mickey hands and giving high fives! They totally rock in how cheerful and fun they are.

3. I am thankful for the fun, little details that runDisney races do. Like this finisher's certificate for Sunday's race...signed by Captain America. I totally think it was the real one. Don't you think? ;)

4. I am thankful for Eva and Dave at Fleet Feet in Rancho Cucamonga. They do a lot for the running community. I see them on quite a few of my runs during the week and they always say hello. They also hold a few group runs every week so I've gotten to know some of the local runners through them. Last night, they had a New Balance Pub Run where we could try on NB shoes for the run. I tried a pair of 880s and they were fun. Not as fun as my Clifton's but I am glad I got to experience them.

5. Finally, this week I am thankful I saw this view the other morning.

I am so blessed to see so many beautiful sunrises/sunsets because of my runs & bike commutes.

Have a great weekend!

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