
Monday, September 29, 2014

San Dimas 5K

I ran the San Dimas 5K on Saturday. It was the bookend to the 10K I did last Sunday for my easy week. I think both races went pretty well and I hit my goals for both of them! Yay!

First, here are the stats for last week:
Running - 25 miles (6.2, 5.3, 3.1, 6.2, 4.2)
Cycling - 103 miles
Weights/gym - 5 hours
Bonus fun - 5 mile hike in the Claremont Hills Wilderness Park on Saturday afternoon.

So my week was easy in that I cut back on a mileage for both running and riding but kept up the intensity. I ran the 10K on Sunday, did 10x100s on Tuesday's run, ran 2 miles at tempo on Thursday (1 mile with Tim, a superfast local runner who was luckily running a very easy recovery run or I wouldn't have been able to keep up!), and then ran the 5K on Saturday.

I was really excited to test myself on Saturday. This is a local race and I knew the course...or so I thought. I got there in plenty of time to get my bib, use the restroom, and warm up. Once again, I didn't eat before the race but did remember to drink water.

So I ran 1.1 miles for a warm up and then headed to the start line. My goal was to get under 30 minutes for this race. I knew there was a hill but I still thought I could do it in that time. There was no chip timing, just gun time so I also knew I would have to account for that. Luckily, it's a very small local race so not a huge crowd.

The race started right on time and we headed out. Uphill. Not a steep one but a steady one for about 4 blocks. Then we turned to the right and I thought "Yay, it's done" but it wasn't done. We did a loop and then headed back up that same hill only for twice as long and then after the right, we went up another hill! That was not fun. I ran hard but I tried not to burn myself out.

Once we rounded the corner at the top of the hill, we had a smooth downhill. I let my feet fly. There was only 1.1 miles left and I knew I could keep that pace up. We had one more slight bump to get over before hitting the final stretch. As I got closer, I saw the clock was at 29:45 and I hauled a$$ to make it under 30:00. I crossed the line in 29:55! Woo! Yeah baby!

I was pretty happy with that. Can you tell? :)

Bonus fun for the day:
  • That was a post cancer 5K PR!
  • I am wearing my favorite Athleta skirt. Yay for fitting into it again!
  • I lost 2.2 pounds last week!
  • I had a training session with Phil The Masochist later that morning.
  • I got to do a fun 5 mile hike in the Claremont Hills Wilderness Park in the afternoon.

Saturday was a great finish to a fun week! Hope you all had a great week/weekend too!

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