
Monday, July 28, 2014

Time Is The Only True Unit Of Measure

Last week was a very good week. I am feeling much stronger and starting to have more fun on the run. Just 2 weeks with the trainer and I've already lost 10 pounds. I weighed 200.3 this morning. I am so relieved. I really though I wasn't going to be able to lose it. But all it took was more focus and little more work.

Totals for last week:
Running - 21 miles (8.5, 4, 4, 4.5)
Riding - 105 miles
Cross training (walking & rowing) - 1.75 hours
Weights - 3.25 hours
Total - 17.25 hours

I may not be doing that much more but I feel like I'm strong enough now that I can start pushing on the run and the bike. I am still really slow on the run but it's getting better. I also fall asleep sometimes around 8 or 8:30 on tough days. And I can tell when I'm tired because my bike commute is a struggle, especially the "hill". I am incorporating rest days into my week. I will still bike commute on those days but just an hourish round trip. Driving is not an option.

Oh...and eyelashes are falling out again. I may be a little paranoid about that but I am definitely losing them. It makes me wonder if I'm doing too much. I don't think so though. I feel better than I've felt in year. Thank goodness.

I made a Vision Board at Fleet Feet Rancho on Saturday. It was kind of funny because the others were all running related. Which you'd expect. But not mine. :)
I put the things on here that I want/need to remember and the goals I have for now: I want to be able to do a pull up. I want to improve my balance. I want to be able to do push ups. I want to learn how to rock climb. I want to be outside more. I need to remember that I have to keep fighting cancer and not let it win. That choosing to go back to a sedentary life would be giving it the ultimate victory. It would be so easy to do that but I'm not going to.

I made a decision to give up my contributions/duties to my running club - Run It Fast recently and I made the announcement over the weekend. I have struggled with this decision for a while but have decided to put myself first and shed some of the things that keep me behind a computer instead of out doing things. I am trying to manage my time better and to spend it on the things I need to do for my health and the things I want to do that make me happy.

The quote at the top is from Lucy, which I saw yesterday. (It was...interesting, I could have waited til it was out on dvd). It did have some interesting concepts/ideas in it. And some good quotes. Like the one above. If it's true, then that makes what we do with our time even more valuable.

Here's another quote from the movie:

"And this is the crucial part of our philosophical reflection we have today: can we therefore conclude that humans are more concerned with "having" than "being"?"

I, for one, would hope that I am more concerned with "being". Or at least I'm trying to get to that point. :)

Have a great week!

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