
Thursday, September 12, 2013

So It's Surgery

I guess it was a little more serious than I thought…

I had kind of rough day on Sunday so I called the doctor on Monday to see if there were any cancellations I could take to move my appointment up. His office people said no so I resigned myself to waiting until October 10th to see him. But then I got lucky. They called me back and said they had done some research and could I come in at 4:50 on Wednesday? I said YES!


So I had my appointment yesterday and I found out I will have to have surgery. Sadly, it won't be laparoscopic like I'd hoped. I guess the mass/cyst is a little bit bigger than we'd thought. He said "It's this big." and held his hands out. Much farther out than I would have preferred. He said "It's as big as a basketball."


But also...oh, this explains so much! The being tired, the aches and pains, having to go all the time, the feeling like an alien being is trying to make it's way out of my stomach.

Anyway, he said I would have to have surgery and it would be a 3 day hospital stay and then a 6-8 week recovery. I don't know the exact date for the surgery yet but he said in a couple of weeks. First I have to have more blood work done and also get a CT scan. Neither him nor I are thinking the C word but that's what the blood work and CT scan are for, I think. And he also said they would be doing a biopsy during the procedure and that would determine how much they take out.

So, I'm relieved to know exactly what's going to happen and what I need to plan for. I'm freaked out a little that there's something so big growing inside me. When I told Josh he said "basketball is like a baby". I said "yeah, but there's no prize at the end". It's hard to wrap my mind around it.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared about the surgery. And a little nervous about what they will find/how much they will take. I don't want to go into menopause already. Not that I was planning on having kids but there may have still been a teeny, tiny hope it could accidentally happen. I would not have been sad if I "accidentally" became a mom at 45. My friend Cliff, surprisingly, was the one who brought it up and helped me with those thoughts/worries. Like I said, I wasn't planning on becoming a mom but with the possibility that definitely is not in the cards, it makes me sad. But we will cross the bridge when we get to it.

337 Days

That's how long my runstreak was. I had to stop. I asked him if I could continue until the surgery and he said "Well, maybe if you go really, really, I have to say no. If it bursts, you will be in a lot of pain and it will be an emergency situation. It's better to stop now and call it". I said okay. And then asked him if walking was okay and he said yes. So at least I have that.

Sadly, it looks like my plans for fall racing are out the window. No Long Beach Marathon (which means I won't get to finish the Beach Cities Challenge either). No R&R LA (and did you see how cool that medal is?). No Flying Monkey (sob). But on the plus side, I should be on my way back to run Tinkerbell in January and, if I don't go too in debt with PTO and money, hopefully Princess in February.

I know that my health is more important than running and that I will feel much better after. I just am sad that some of the fun I'd planned this fall won't be happening. And I'm having race bling withdrawals!

But seriously, I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers and offers of help. The best part of running is the community I found and I am thankful for all of you.


  1. Yay, no C word!! Let's keep it this way! Such a long run streak you had going too, but we're glad you stopped it! No emergency type surgeries because of it bursts. Maybe you'll end up with a really awesome recovering time?! Constantly thinking about you!!

  2. That sucks!

    I run my first marathon October 6 and I will be thinking of you and how you inspired me to go further than I have ever gone before.

    Best wishes and heal quickly!

  3. like i said in my tweet - keep us posted on the date/time.

    also, just like arnold, "YOU'LL BE BAAAAACK!" ROCK!

  4. like i said in my tweet - keep us posted on the date/time of the surgery. ROCK!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Basketball! This intruder has been hurting you a long time, Lisa, likely a long time before you even knew anything was amiss. Focus on how good it will be to put this alien down and out of your life. I hate you have to miss your races, especially Monkey, where I was hoping to see you and hang another medal around your neck. Well, another time. You have lots of races to run and adventures to savor. Keep us posted, brave lady. And know your peeps are pulling for you. All best - Dallas

  7. Basketball! This intruder has been hurting you a long time, Lisa, likely a long time before you even knew anything was amiss. Focus on how good it will be to put this alien down and out of your life. I hate you have to miss your races, especially Monkey, where I was hoping to see you and hang another medal around your neck. Well, another time. You have lots of races to run and adventures to savor. Keep us posted, brave lady. And know your peeps are pulling for you. All best - Dallas

  8. You will come back better than ever :-) Keep us posted- I will be praying for you! Sending you lots of love.

  9. Wow, Lisa! I agree with Dallas, think about how much better you'll feel once you're back at it! Make sure you take your time with getting back at it. You're running for life, not just January!
