
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

The New Plan

I've decided that my next 100 miler attempt will be the Prairie Spirit Trail 100 in Kansas in March. I haven't signed up for it yet but I hope to before the end of the year.

So, with that in mind, I've been working on my plan for it. It still needs a lot of work. I've got most of the rest of 2012 figured out, except for maybe switching around some midweek long runs. I have some ideas for 2013 as well.This is what it looks like so far:

Yes, I'm a total geek. I like to color code...everything!
Yellow - ultra
Blue - marathon
Green - half marathon
Purple - 10K
Red - 5K
Orange - Other

Oh, and if a race has an asterisk, then I want to do it but I haven't signed up for it yet. And the far right column is the # of that type of race it will be (numbers/stats geek!).

You can see 2013 is kind of sparse so far. I need to work out back-to-back long run combos and concentrate on that so there will be less racing in 2013 except for big races. I do want to add a marathon/50K between Across The Years and Ray Miller 50 and then another one around 2/17 or 2/24. Or even a 12 hour would be good. If you know of any good ones around there, let me know!

My weekly mileage is not as high as what I did for JJ100 but I will have more long runs and hopefully at least 3 50 or + runs in my legs. And I really, really need to get those back-to-back long runs in this time! Really!

I switched up to the marathon at Malibu for this weekend. Oops. ;) But I think I'm good for it. The reason I didn't sign up for it in the first place was I didn't know how hard JJ would be on me. But since I only did 100K there...and a lot of it was walking, I think I'm ready. We'll see! Anyway, it will kick off an intense month or so of racing. Yikes! But they are more fun races than racing races so it shouldn't be too bad. I hope.

Wish me luck!


  1. I make the same kind of spreadsheets...for everything! I still have one from my summer selling Italian Ice in college...I tracked everything from dollars sold, tips made, busiest days, everything!

  2. I love it! That plan looks fabulous!! I do color code, too...but not as much ;)

    1. So you're saying you're not as geeky as me? ;)

  3. Dear Lisa - I was at JJ100, too :). Loved your report! So now, I will have to continue to follow your blog, of course :)... Your race recap sounded like a replay of my 2010 Javelina (first attempt). This year (second attempt) felt worse, but actually went better and I STILL didn't get the full 100 miles. Ah well... I learn more every time I get out there. Also - I think almost ALL ultra folk have a heavy OCD/geek quotient in their make up. Keep up that color coding, girl... Having a plan = a good thing! :):):)

    1. Thanks! Are you going to try again next year?

    2. Most likely - yes. Maybe third time's a charm? :) I am also scouting out some other 100 milers. It sure felt pretty hot out there to me this year! Something was more "intense" about the heat. Looking forward to a 50 miler at the end of May.

  4. great post as always. I have a lovely spreadsheet of all my miles since 2010. and I'm working out what and when for next year. can't beat a good plan!!

    good luck, but I know you will be great!!


    1. Thank Kirsten! And...truth! I'm trying to be flexible with my plans now but I still like to have a guide.

  5. I am so jealous of how organized and tech savvy you are! I'm always flying by the seat of my pants, which has led to many a missed plane/train/movie :) Your plan looks good! Hope we can get together for a run sometime!

    1. Thanks Carilyn! Being a geek has it's advantages. :) It would be awesome to run together!
