
Monday, October 22, 2012

Numbers Game

Running is a numbers game.

Don’t you think? Or is it just me?

I am a numbers geek. I’m an accountant. I do math puzzles for fun in my spare time. I’m a geek, what can I say? ;)

So it’s very hard for me to run without numbers. I can’t just go for a run and not know how many miles I ran. I have to either run one of my known routes or I have to wear my garmin. I just have to know. Plus, I’m always calculating pace and finish time. So if I give myself an hour to run and I’m feeling good and running faster than I expected, I start calculating what my avg pace is so that I’ll know how much to add on.

I also have this thing where I have to end at certain distance. On the bike it means I have to finish even or just a little over a mile distance. I can’t stop at 19.7. I have to finish at 20. 20.1 is okay though. Don’t ask me why.  It’s even worse with running. I can’t run 3 miles or 6 or even 13 without adding that little extra bit to make it 5K, 10K, or a half marathon. I just can’t. I also have to keep going if I get to .7 miles so that I hit the next whole mile.

But really the big “numbers game” for me right now is Javelina Jundred. I need to average at least 18 minute miles to finish the 100 within the 30 hour cutoff time. 18 minutes seems totally doable, right? I mean I can almost walk that fast. I say almost because I probably average 3 miles per hour when I walk. I’m telling you…having short legs sucks!

I’m sure I’ll be doing a lot of calculating while I run it. My plan is to run it like I ran the 12 hour. Very easy and with a run/walk mix. Probably 9/1 at the beginning and then who knows from there. I would love to average 4.5 to 5 miles per hour. At least for the first half. I just don’t know whether or not that’s slow enough in the beginning? It’s a big unknown for me.

I would be more comfortable if I’d done that 50 miler for sure. But I have done a lot during this first round of 100 training. I think.

During my 100 training, I ran 1,357.8 miles and rode 2,026 miles. Is that enough?

I did 1 12 HR, 2 50Ks, 2 marathons, and 6 half marathons. Plus a 15K and a 5K. Is that enough?

I did 7 additional long runs from 18-24 miles  (usually followed by a long run from 13-14 miles the next day) including back-to-back 21 milers the weekend after I did the Leading Ladies Marathon (and a 12 miler the day after that marathon). Is that enough?

I hope so.

It’s only 5 days til Javelina Jundred and I’m ready to put that training to the test right now! It feels like Saturday will never get here and yet in some ways I wish I had more time. But one thing I’ve learned from running marathons and 50Ks and 12 hours is that you’ll never feel completely ready. You’ll always feel like you could have done more…more miles, more speed work, more rest, more sleep. You just go with what you’ve got in the barn.

The hay is in the barn and this coyote is ready to run!


  1. Best of luck to you this weekend. If all that you've done means you're not ready, I'm not sure you ever would be. You are FULLY prepared. Embrace the joyful times, and persevere through the dark ones this weekend !
