
Monday, July 23, 2012

Move Toward A Dream

"When you move toward a dream, it moves toward you. When you move every day, it moves every day."

Before this weekend, I wasn’t feeling very ready for the ET Full Moon Midnight 51K. I know, I know. You’re probably wondering how I could feel this way after doing the Nanny Goat 12HR. I don’t know but a 12 HR race just feels different to me. I guess because there’s no pressure and I did some walking, etc. I just didn’t feel very strong. And I haven’t for a while.

Oh sure, I’ve been getting my long runs in but I’d be wiped after and super sore and achy.

I felt…out of shape. Slow. Chubby. Soft. Frustrated.

But this past week, I’ve really felt my body getting leaner and stronger and I've felt kind of bada$$ like I did at the beginning of the year. I'm back, baby!. ;) So, while I did have some stomach trouble during the 10 miler last week, overall it was a pretty awesome week. Here are the stats for last week:

Running – 73.4 miles (9 runs, including 1 tempo)
Riding – 121 miles (5 commutes + 1 fun ride)

I felt good going into this past weekend and I went BIG - 38.4 miles running and 17 miles riding! It was another solid weekend of running because not only did I get some big mileage in, I ran at specific times to get some focused training in. This is what my weekend looked like:

Saturday: Ran 24.24 miles finishing a little after 10 am. It was 80 when I finished so warm but not insane. I had one low point around miles 18/19 but bounced back to finish strong at the end. I even thought about going ahead and doing a marathon but decided it would be better to stop. 24.24 seemed like a good number. :) Best of all, I wasn’t dead tired after.

Sunday run #1: I ran 10.1 miles after midnight, less than 15 hours after my 24 miler. I was pleasantly surprised at how well my legs felt and how well the run went. I think I’m getting used to running at that witching hour because I can honestly say I enjoyed that run. I wasn't as sleepy and I ran much more confidently. Plus, it was cool and quiet and there was no moon so a ton of stars were visible. I am feeling very good about running thru the wee hours at ET.

Sunday run #2: I went for a 17 mile ride when I woke up in the morning and then went to visit my grandpa. We went to lunch and I think the pancakes at lunch gave me a spurt of energy because on the way home, I decided I was feeling good enough to get another run in. The bank said it was 90 degrees and I thought it would be a great time to get some hot weather running in. I figured I would just do 3 or 4 miles and that would be enough. I picked a route with no shade for added fun. You know what? It wasn’t half bad. I ended up doing 4.1 miles and it was a solid run. Legs and feet felt great. I felt…hot! ;)

I think the key to feeling so good now has been that I just keep going with my plan. It's been frustrating and not always fun but I didn't/haven't/won't give up. Everyday I'm doing something to get where I want to be for Javelina Jundred and that's what counts! I think it's finally starting to pay off. I come!

1 comment:

  1. It's really frustrating when you feel slow and soft. I'm glad you are getting the spring in your step back - its such a confidence boost!
