
Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Figure Out What You Love And Do More Of It

First, let me start off by saying that I'm extremely lucky. I am not living the life I pictured for me back when I was in high school and college but life for me is pretty darn good. I am the happiest and healthiest I've ever been since I was probably 10 years old. I certainly can't complain about that!

I posted my stats for last week, June, and the first half of the year on Twitter yesterday and someone asked me when I found time to breathe. I had a kickass final week of June, an awesome June as a whole, and a pretty damn good first half of the year...even with the blip of my foot injury. The numbers...

Last week's totals:
70 miles running (7 runs)
117 miles riding (2 fun rides and 5 commutes)

It was a great, solid week of running and riding. I had 2 long runs in the week (an 18 miler on Sunday and then a 20 miler on Saturday) that really bumped up my numbers.

June totals:
251.5 miles running
494 miles riding
Races - 3 Half Marathons

June was my second full month back at running and I started doing long runs again for my Javelina Jundred & ET prep. I also streaked during June and ran every day of the month (at least 5k)! It felt so good to be doing long runs again. Oh, how I missed them. What was even more awesome is that I had plenty of bike time too. God, I love summer. :)

First 6 months of 2012 totals:
1,272 miles running
2,191 miles riding
Races - 1 12 HR, 2 50Ks, 1 30K, and 7 Half Marathons

I am right on target for my goal of 2500 miles running for 2012! I have a tiny bit of extra cushion and I am very happy with that considering I lost 3 weeks when I hurt my foot in March. The riding was low. :( I am way below where I expected to be but I think part of that is because I started run commuting. I'm thrilled with the races I was able to do in the first half. Totally never thought I would be doing so many but I think I have Joshua to blame, I mean, thank for that. ;) The Extreme Racer program for the Run It Fast Club has been really motivating!

So that's a lot of running and riding, right? It doesn't even include the strength training, etc. I also do. Yeah, I spend a lot of time doing this stuff but it doesn't really feel like a lot, you know? Because what I've been able to do is structure my life so that this is a part of my daily routine. The run/bike commuting goes a LONG way towards that. Luckily, I have a job that is open to my running and riding and I live in SoCal where the weather is FABULOUS all year. It makes it really easy to get my miles in. Also, running at lunch has helped and is a lot of fun. I highly recommend it.

I still have plenty of play time for fun things in my life like reading, math puzzles (total geek!), photography, writing for Run It Fast, looking for more races to do, etc. Everyday, I get to do the things that I love and I am very grateful that I am financially, mentally, and physically in a place where that's possible.

I have EVERY intention of getting just as many miles and races in for the second half of the year. Because I can. :) Oh yeah, I'm streaking for July too! Who know, maybe the whole summer. :)

How was your June? Anything exciting for July?


  1. Pretty awesome numbers Lisa, I am glad you are having fun and kicking butt! Way to go, stay healthy and have a great summer!
