
Thursday, June 21, 2012

Are You Training For An Ultra?

This morning on my run, one of the regular bike commuters that I see asked me if I was training for an ultra. I thought it was weird that she would ask me that and not if I was training for a marathon. You'd think that would be the more obvious question. Don't you think?

It happened during a fun & fabulous 8.5 mile run.

The week started off pretty slow. Really slow. Tuesday's run was a slogfest and very frustrating. I don't know what happened but in the last mile I just lost every ounce of energy I'd had. I ate breakfast when I got home but even with that and the rest before my ride to work, I was completely dragging til the afternoon. I kept thinking how could I be so tired from the weekend? I'd only run back-to-back halfs. Only. ;) And just 13 hours apart. Still...I was wondering where my endurance had gone to??? Was it hiding under a rock or in the closet?

But my run on Wednesday was good - a sweet 7 mile run w/ 3 miles at tempo. Then today's run was awesome and I was starting to feel better about where I'm at. So when she asked me that, I just said "yep" and smiled. :)

I feel like I'm way behind where I should be with my long runs but then I have to remind myself that I did the Nanny Goat 12 HR just a few weeks ago and that was a good start to my ultra training. I have to quit focusing on what I'm doing "wrong" and remember the things I've done "right". I am putting in some solid training. Maybe not as fast as I'd hoped but I will find my way back.

This weekend should go a long way towards rebuilding my confidence. I hope. I have the Billy Goat Half Marathon Hill Climb on Saturday and then an 18 mile run planned for Sunday on the road. I also keep forgetting that the ET Full Moon 51K on 8/4 is a road race so I need to make sure my legs are ready for it. It should be a fun weekend.

But in my heart, I'll be wishing I was in TN running the Jackal, both forwards and backwards! Sigh.

Are you racing this weekend? Anything fun planned? Whatever it is, I hope you have a great weekend!


  1. That's awesome! Your reputation must be getting around. haha.
