
Thursday, May 24, 2012

Round and Round

Saturday is the Nanny Goat 12 Hour! I can't believe it's here already. It seems like New Year's was yesterday and it's already Memorial Weekend.

I'm excited about the race. My training is nowhere near where it was when I did the New Year's One Day so I should be scared but I'm not. Whatever happens, happens. I have no expectations for the day except to have fun. I've heard so much good stuff about the Nanny Goat from my friend Kylie that I have no doubt it will be an interesting day. I wish Kylie was going to be there this year but she is waiting for her little one to be born ANY minute now. I told her if she wanted to hurry the little one along to come out and do some laps with me. ;) She laughed. Knowing Kylie, I bet I do see her!

As I've mentioned before, the Nanny Goats are raising money for the Wounded Warrior Project. I set a goal of raising $300 for them & so far I've raised $260. Thank you to all of you who helped me get that far! I really appreciate it. Oh, and it's not too late to help:

As I prepared for this & read the emails from the RD, I've been thinking about my grandpa. My grandpa Chuy, my dad's dad, was a World War II veteran. While he was in the Pacific during the war, he contracted Malaria and he had seizures from that the rest of his life. Because of the seizures, my grandpa wasn't allowed to drive so he walked everywhere in town. He never said he missed driving. He may have been too stubborn to admit it though. My grandpa's birthday was May 14th and we often celebrated our birthdays together. Here's a photo of him holding me as a baby (and my mom & grandma).
Pretty old picture, huh? Yes, I'm that old. ;) God, I miss my grandparents and that little kitchen. There was soooo much love and laughter there. It was the hub for all of our family gatherings. Good memories.

Anyway, my grandpa was VERY stubborn and my mom used to say...ok, still says that I took after him with the stubbornness. I hope to channel some of that stubbornness and determination to get where I want to go on Saturday. I'll be thinking of him as I run. I wonder what he would think of me now? He would probably tell me I was crazy. But then again, maybe not. I think he would get that I see my riding and running as independence and I think he would approve. :) I hope he would be proud. He died when I was 27. I was pretty messed up back then and I wish he could have known the me I am today...a much stronger, healthier, and happier Lisa. So Saturday is for you, grandpa. :)

If you'd like to follow me on Saturday, you should be able to at this link:

I'll have my phone with me and may be tweeting too. Wish me luck!

Have a great weekend! Have fun and stay safe.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck! Won't be able to follow, though. You have a bit more now!!
