
Thursday, May 31, 2012

May Madness

Hmmm, okay maybe madness is the wrong word. Because May was a LOT of fun! Nothing hurt. I was able to get some good mileage in.Ran some fun races.Saw the Tour of California.Started my training for the Javelina Jundred. Oh, and it was my birthday! :)

I've been feeling really good since the Nanny Goat 12 HR too which makes me very happy. I was back on the bike the next day and got a massage to help loosen up my legs. I also took Monday and Tuesday off of running but hit the road yesterday and today and both runs were great. I was amazed at how speedy I felt yesterday for that 10K. I kind of expected my legs to be sluggish & heavy but that wasn't the case at all. Maybe I'm channeling some of Josh's (@bayou) Wolverine super powers! :) Today's 8 miler was less speedy but felt good. I was a tiny bit tired which is to be expected. I think.But other than that, I felt fine.

My mileage for the month of May was 234.2 miles for the run and will be about 430 miles for the bike after tonight's ride home.It felt like the first really solid training month in months. It's so much easier to get miles in when it's warmer and there's more light. I love, love, love spring and summer for that reason. I need sun! I'm solar powered. :)

I didn't do much speed work or hill work during the month but I guess I'm okay with that. I can feel my legs getting stronger again so I feel like I'll be ready to tackle the 100 miler training schedule I have. It's a little scary but I think I can do it. The hardest part for me will be the mid week long runs. I'm going to have to get up REALLY early for the 12 & 14 milers.Which is maybe a good thing though since I need to get in some night running!

I'm trying to plan out the rest of my year now. I'm signed up for 2 half marathons next month and I'm thinking of doing a third. I'm also debating about signing up for the Long Beach Marathon and using that as my last long run before Javelina Jundred. Then I hope to do the Flying Monkey in November. I'm signed up for the Death Valley Trail Marathon in December and if all goes well, I'll be doing the New Years Double Marathons in Texas to finish/start the year. I just have to figure out my 50 miler and I'll be good. I think. I didn't really expect to be doing so many races this year but I.Just.Can't.Help.Myself! I'm totally addicted. Ha!

I really need to win the lottery. Or find a sponsor. Or a sugar daddy. But that's a WHOLE other story. ;)

How was your May? Anything exciting planned for June?


  1. Love, love, love ---> I'm solar powered! Haha, awesome! You've got a busy rest of the year but it sounds great! Can't wait to hear about your weekly long runs and how they go!

    1. Luckily, plenty of sun in SoCal. :) I'm sure you both will be just as busy. But probably with more fun stuff. Like a wedding!
