
Thursday, May 10, 2012

Early Birthday Fun Day

My birthday is May 19th and I usually take a day off of work around then to do something fun. This year, that day was today! I am losing one of my staff this week and we haven't hired anyone to replace her so I wanted to take a day before we were short-staffed. I asked my boss and she said okay so I immediately started making plans.

What would my ideal day look like? Well, it would have to include running of course. Preferably a long run. And there would have to be riding. :) Okay, check...and check. What else? Ooh, how about a massage? That definitely needs to be added to the mix. To polish the day off, I decided a movie was in order and one with some very hot superheros fit the bill quite nicely! So, this is how my Birthday Fun Day looked:

  • 16.5 mile long run
  • 13 mile ride
  • The Avengers
  • A 2 hour massage
  • Peanut Butter cookies

Pretty good day, eh? I hadn't planned on the peanut butter cookies but when they "fall" into your lap, you just don't say no. Especially when you had a good day of running and riding. In fact, I think I would take a peanut butter cookie instead of birthday cake any day. Ideally, I would have both though.

The run was pretty good. It was the longest I've done since I hurt my foot back in March. I should be worried about the Nanny Goat 12 HR but I'm not. Not really. The part that worries me most is my plan to run from 8pm to 8am and staying awake the whole night. But the pancake breakfast at the end should be incentive enough.

The spin w/Ned was, as always, fun and fast.

The Avengers was fantastic! Great action and lots of fun stuff. I'm a huge fan of Joss Whedon and he did not disappoint. I'm also a big fan of Robert Downey Jr and Chris Evans and they didn't disappoint either. Awesome to see Scarlett Jo kicking butt too. Curvy girls got moves. Don't forget that!

The massage was torture and awesome. I haven't had a massage since February so I had extra massages at Massage Envy just sitting there. It was a no-brainer to decide on a 2 hour since it wouldn't be extra. I figured the first hour would be about working out the aches and the second hour would be just for relaxing. Jen, my usual massage therapist, said she'd never felt me that tight before. Oh man, my legs & glutes were a mess. I have been doing a terrible job of rolling them out. My shoulder wasn't too happy either but they feel better now. The second half was definitely more fun. I almost fell asleep!

And that was my fun day! I packed a lot into it but it was all good. The only thing missing was the aforementioned pancakes. How did that happen?

So, now I'm ready for the weekend. I volunteered for an underground 50K on Saturday but haven't heard back from the RD yet so not sure what's happening there. I'll be running & riding either way on Saturday, of course. I plan to run the trails in Bonelli on Sunday before spending the day with my mom & grandpa. It should be a good weekend of running & riding & being outside. Hopefully yours will be the same.

Have a great weekend and Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there!

P.S. If you can spare a little bit, I'm trying to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project with the Nanny Goats. We are trying to raise $50,000 for them this year. If you can help us reach that goal, I would be very thankful!

My Donation Page

1 comment:

  1. It's gonna be a fun day on your birthday. I wish you will enjoy on your birthday.
