
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

43 In Review

I turn 44 on Saturday. On my long run the other day, I started thinking about how my 43rd year went and I have to say it was pretty darn awesome! Like if I died before Friday, I would be happy with how I lived this past year. Kind of morbid, I know but you know what I mean. ;) Anyway, I have no regrets at all and that’s not something you get to say often.

Here’s a recap of the best of year 43: 
  • I rode 5,900 miles and ran 2,400! (Never, never, never thought I would say that.)
  • I ran 1 5K, 1 10K, 6 half marathons, a 16.5 trail race, a 30K, 2 marathons, 2 50Ks, and 1 12HR!
  • I visited Washington and Tennessee for the first time and hung out with friends and did a little running.
  • I also travelled to Utah, Arizona, and Nevada.
  • I ran in places I’ve never run before (San Francisco, Santa Rosa, San Diego, Zion, Death Valley, Seattle, Jackson).
  • I met a bunch of twitter friends in person.
  • I set PRs for the 5K, 10K, half marathon, marathon, and 50K. :)
  • I met Scott Jurek, Marshall Ulrich, and Macca (ohmygodohmygodohmygod).
  • I conquered my fear of running up a mountain solo.
  • I bought Ned! My gorgeous 29er.
  • I started run commuting. (Love having options like that.)
  • I ran my highest mileage for a week ever: 92 miles. (Holy cow, I remember when I didn't even hit that in a month!) 
Pretty good year, don't you think? I wouldn't change a minute of it.

Last year, I celebrated my birthday with a long run. I plan to do the same thing this year and get at least 20 miles in for the day. But not all at once. I plan to run up Lower Monroe Truck Trail and then out GMR to catch the Tour of California riders as they head west. Then, I'll run back to LMTT and wait for them to come back up GMR at the KOM line (King of the Mountain) and then run back down LMTT. I should be up there about 8 or 9 hours total but not all of it will be running as I'll be waiting for the singing tires to come roaring by me. (one of the coolest sounds ever!) It might not be the smartest thing to do 1 week before my 12HR but it sure will be fun! I cannot wait to see Jens & Levi and all the other bike boys. It's gonna be wild. I better take my camera. :)

Thanks for tagging along with me thru the year. I hope you'll follow along with me for year 44. I wonder what it has in store for me. Besides running & riding, that is. Because those two are non-negotiable!


  1. Lisa, that is a phenomenal year! Congrats on all you accomplished and Happy Birthday!!

  2. So glad you can look back on 43 with no regrets! That's really not something you hear people say a lot! You accomplished a lot in the past year! You are amazing, Lisa! Here's to a fabulous 44th year! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! In our worlds we celebrate for at least a week! =)

    1. Thanks! I like your way of thinking. :) Let the celebrating commence!
