
Sunday, April 8, 2012

Trails & Peeps Weekend

Whew, what a weekend! AZ Peeps were here! Family, fun, and trail running. What more could a girl ask for?

My sister came over for Easter with my niece Madison & my nephew Max and when they come over, my mom's house becomes the hub for us and we all stay there. We packed a lot of fun into the weekend but the best part is just hanging out together. I keep saying this but they are growing up so fast. Madison is almost as tall as I am and she's not even 12 yet!

On Saturday, we all went to an Easter Egg Hunt and then I took the kids to a Car Show so the "Easter Bunny" could get some stuff done without prying/curious eyes. Madison wasn't too thrilled about it but once we were there, they both enjoyed it. Max, being a complete boy, was in heaven. I became his personal photographer as he had me taking pictures of him with all of his favorite cars.

They are both really good kids and I love spending time with them. A few more pics of them with my Grandpa...

I did have some running time this weekend though. Or, I should say I made time. My mom's house is just a 1.5 miles from Bonelli which, as you know, is one of fave places to run. On Saturday morning, I got up and drove to the trail head on the south side of the lake (I drove so I could go pick up bagels for breakfast after I was done). It was a gorgeous morning and I was so happy to be back running on the trails again. I'd brought my Merrell Trail Gloves and was anxious to see how my foot would do on the trails. I'd also brought my Garmin w/me to my mom's but walked out the door with it still left on the charger. Doh! So I just ran one of my favorite loops that includes some sweet single track. I was all alone out there and it was really, really great. I can't believe people wasted such a great morning but good luck for me! I ended up running for 1 hour and 15 minutes. I wanted to do more but was still being cautious so called it. Besides, I didn't want them waiting and hungry while I was out daydreaming & living the running life.

This morning, I waited for Max to get up so he could see that the Easter Bunny HAD found him in California and then ran from my mom's house to Bonelli for my run. Today's run was on the north side of the lake which just has rollers and no big hills. It was a mix of road and dirt and fun. I only did 8 miles because I wanted to get back & not miss Easter stuff.

Both runs went well. My butt was a little sore from yesterday's hills and my calves were tight so I've obviously lost some running fitness. Damn it. But overall they were awesome. Of course, part of it is probably that I missed being out there. No. No. They WERE awesome. :)

When I got back, my sister and mom and I were talking as we made breakfast and my sister said she didn't understand how I could be out there for hours on end and not be bored. She said she's bored after 20 minutes on the dreadmill. I said it was different outside. I have never been bored while running. I am bored out of my mind while watching TV but never during a run. Not even when I'm running in circles!

So, I feel like I'm back and ready to start building up my mileage again. Woo! Long run - I missed you so. :) Now the question I good to start run commuting again? It's supposed to rain this week. Hmmm...


  1. So glad your runs went well!! Sounds like you had a great weekend! Ha, love that, or I assume, Max was afraid the Easter bunny didn't know he was somewhere other than his house this weekend. So cute!

    1. Yes, mostly because Morgan didn't come over and he was worried that the Easter Bunny wouldn't realize he had to go to 2 house and she would get all the chocolate and toys. He was relieved to see his Easter Basket showed up in CA.

  2. That sounds like an awesome weekend! I'm jealous of your nephew- I'm not allowed to play with guns anymore :) I'm glad your running's building back up. I think I'm on my way up, too!!

    1. I'm glad you're running is going well! I'm sure Max would share if you were here. He's good like that.

  3. YES! This makes me so happy!! Sounds like you had a wonderful weekend with your family - definitely the best way to spend a holiday =) The trail by your mom's house sounds A-MAZING. Seriously beautiful! Hope you are still feeling good after the miles this weekend!

    1. Thanks Michele! Yes, I'm feeling really good. Wishing I hadn't lost some fitness but happy to be back at it.
