
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Not So Wordless Wednesday - Part 2

The photo in the earlier post was one of mine. It was from the Renaissance Faire and it was a photo of one of the Irish dancers there. If you follow me on twitter, you may know that I have a running shoe addiction. Well, let's just say I have a shoe addiction...period. :) Oh, I don't buy a lot of shoes. Mostly because I have a wide foot and I can't walk in heels to save my life. But I do love shoes. It's probably a good thing I can wear expensive ones or I'd be broke!

Anyway, one of my favorite things to photograph is dancers and I often focus on their feet. There is drama in the dance and the feet tell the story. I keep trying to catch the essence of that. I can't sing. I can't dance. I can't play an instrument. But I do feel that I can express myself artistically with photographs. Here are a few more of my favorite dancing shoes photos.

Spanish Dancer:

My favorite of that same Spanish Dancer:

My second favorite Irish Dancer photo:

The Faire will be starting in a couple of weeks here in So Cal and I can't wait. It's my favorite place to photograph and catch some colorful portraits and action. This is a gallery of my Faire images.
At The Faire

Have you ever been to a Renassaince Faire? Isn't it a blast? :)


  1. That's cool because I don't feel like I see a lot of artistic photographs of different types of dancers. Ballet maybe yes, but I love these! You really are a talented photographer, Lisa! =)

    1. Thank you! There are all kinds of dancers at the Faire and my faves are the belly dancers. They are very...interactive with the audience and fun to photograph. I haven't been able to capture their movement exactly like I want because they tell the story with their whole body.
