
Monday, April 2, 2012

New Trails

If you can't run, then hike...

This weekend, I got tired of waiting for my foot to get better. I've been feeling like a caged coyote and I needed to get outside! I did run on Saturday but only 5K. I decided to check out the trail at the North Etiwanda Preserve later that morning to get more time out in the fresh air. It's an easy trail and a short loop about 7 miles from my apartment. I've never been on it though. Saturday seemed like as good a time as any.

The day was gloomy and cool but it never rained so it was a nice hike. It's kind of a civilized, touristy trail in that it takes you by some of the historic/nature sites in the area. There is an old settlers ruin, a Native American site, an old water pumping station, a cool bog area, and it's right on the Cucamonga fault so there is interesting geological stuff too.

Because of the weather, there weren't too many people on the trail so there were sections were I was by myself. With the gloom and clouds hanging over the area, it gave me a feeling of being a long, long way from civilization even though I was just above a housing track. I ran across this cool, spooky tree that had been split by lightning too. What with the ruins and the tree, it made for a ghostly hike of about 3.5 miles. ;)

On Sunday, I went to my old stomping grounds...Bonelli. Even with all the times I've been there, I haven't hit all of the trails that are in the park. So I went with the goal of hiking some new trails and as many hills as I could. Sunday was a much more beautiful day and with all the rain we had, the hills were green and lush but there wasn't too much mud.

It was cool, with a slight breeze and big, puffy clouds drifting across the sky. Once again, I had the trails mostly to myself except for a few mtn bikers and a couple on horseback. Who I did have for company was birds. Lots and lost of birds singing their little hearts out. A veritable concert just for me. I also got to see a golden eagle, an osprey, and a bunch of turkey vultures. One of them circled me for a bit. Ok, I was going slow but not THAT slow. But I did stop and watch them circle around me in the sky. They can be mesmerizing, don't you think? I would love to be able to soar like they do.

I ended up hiking 5.5 miles yesterday It was a really nice hike but not very tiring so after going to the store, I took my mt bike out for an hour. THEN I felt like I'd done "enough". It wasn't as satisfying as it would have been if I'd spent the same amount of time running, but it was a good day and helped relieve some of that caged in feeling. Coyotes gotta be free! Seriously.

I still miss running though I ran on Saturday. It didn't feel...fluid. What I miss is my body moving thru the world effortlessly, over hill and dale, thru streams, and wherever I want to go. I miss feeling strong and powerful and sexy and free. I want that back. NOW but I'm willing to work back up to it as long as I know I'll find it again.

Until then, I have my Shark to feed the urge and keep me from going nuts. Mostly.


  1. Sounds like a good weekend! So your foot isn't bad when you are just walking and hiking? Love all the pictures you took out there to!

    1. It was fine with walking. Some of the hiking it was not happy with but I had wrapped it really well and hiked cautiously to not aggravate it.

      Thanks on the pics! Most of them were with my phone. I did take my little Nikon with me on Sunday though I wish I'd had my big Nikon to capture the birds. Next time.

  2. Sorry about your foot! Though the hiking is a good alternative. What kind of lens do you ahve for the birds? With not running as much, I've been missing my 300f4 and 70-400g (I was a Sony shooter- that 70-400 was a gold mine!!) :( I sold them to fund my wife's lenses for her business since I wasn't using them anymore.

    1. Thanks! It's a lot better now. I have a 70-300 that I use most. I also have a 400 but I haven't used it much lately. I didn't have either one this time and was kicking myself for that. Spring is my fave time to take pics.

  3. "If you can't run, then hike." You had perfect timing with this - thank you! I can't run right now due to a hip injury, and I'm not sure how long I'll be out of commission as I have to wait for an MRI and follow-up appointment with the sports ortho to even determine what the issue is, let alone the treatment and recovery period. I've been really bummed about my forced hiatus from running, but this was the perfect reminder that there are beautiful trails in a state park just 1.5 miles from my house, and I can totally go hiking any time I want. I'm suddenly feeling more cheerful. :)

    Sorry about your foot - hope it's feeling better soon!

    1. It's doing much better. Almost 100%, thanks! I hope your hip heals fast!
