
Thursday, April 26, 2012

Animals & Warriors

On my run to work today, I helped corral two very cute pups that escaped when their owner came out to get the paper. I planted myself in their path and sacrificed myself to keep them from running into the street. They were so happy and funny and I was laughing so hard, I wanted to stay and hang out with them instead of continuing on to work. But their owner arrived and gathered them up and I went on my way.

One of the things I like about running and riding to work is seeing all the regulars: bunnies, squirrels, birds, dogs, cats, and even a pig! Some of dogs are so used to me they no longer bark at me. Um, the pig never did. ;) But there’s this one gorgeous German Shepherd who waits for me at the corner of her yard and then when I get there I say “come on, let’s go” and she runs with me to the end of her fence. It's our little routine and I always look forward to it.

My biggest regret about living in my apartment is that I can’t have a dog. I’d love to have a dog that I could go running with! And they are just so much fun to have around. We had dogs our whole lives growing up. My little dog, Tiny, I had for 19 years. She was a mutt and crazy. She loved sunflower seeds & oranges, sitting in windowsills, and when she howled at sirens (which, sadly, she could do often because we lived behind a senior complex) her front paws would come off the ground because she’d give that howl everything she had. I miss her. Don’t get me wrong, I love my cat but if you put him on a leash, he lies there like a log so he’s no good for running with.

So, if you haven’t figured out yet, I love animals. All creatures big and small. Except fish…and I don’t appreciate spiders crawling on me…but I don’t want them to DIE. I just don’t want them looking at me. Yes, I know. I’m nuts. Hey, everyone has some quirks, right? Anyway, back to my point which was…oh yeah, I love animals and every month I give a monthly donation to the World Wildlife Fund and the Defenders of Wildlife. Sometimes I forget that we humans need help too. And that is why I was very happy to see that the Nanny Goat 12 Hour that I’m doing is raising funds for the Wounded Warrior Project.

The Wounded Warrior Project is a great way to say thank you to our service men and women who have served our country and have been injured. Last year the Nanny Goats raised over $20,000 for the Wounded Warrior Project and this year they are hoping to raise over $50,000. I hope to raise $300 by May 26th. If you can help even a little bit, I would greatly appreciate it!

My Donation Page

Thank you! I hope you have a great Thursday and good luck if you're racing this weekend!


  1. How fun!! Last night on our hill run we let a cuuute lil doggie be an excuse to pause at the top of our hill before more ups and downs! Animals are THE best!

  2. I love, love animals, too, especially dogs. Just lost my almost-15-year-old Aussie last week. Your comment about Tiny's front paws coming off the floor when she howled reminds me of Molly. When she would get excited and bark (which was often) her front legs would lift off the ground. I adore my cats but dogs are really something special :)

    1. I'm sorry about your loss. It's so hard when we lose them. Their unconditional love is a gift!
