
Sunday, March 4, 2012

3 Weeks Out

It's 3 weeks until the Old Goats 50 Miler and I am just a little bit freaked out right now. I know I can run 50 miles. But 50 Miles with 12000+ ft elevation gain...yeah, that's a whole other story.

I've been trying to get some hills in. I think I did a good job of that at last week's 50K. Hopefully, this weekend helped too. I just don't know.

I ran 25 miles on Saturday. I was a little bit tired. I had wanted to do 3 repeats of the Euclid trail but only ended up doing 2. :( It was a good run though.

It capped off my highest mileage week ever! 92.21 miles. I never dreamed I could run that many miles in one week. The 50K last Sunday and Saturday's run were a big portion of that but still. I think my legs did pretty well with this week. I'm really happy with how they are doing and I think I'm getting stronger. I just hope it's in time.

Today's run was a blast. I decided to run up to the top of Lower Monroe Truck Trail. I didn't make it all the way to the road last time and I wanted to do that today. I had planned 12 or 13 for today and figured that would be enough to get up there. It was a really pretty day. Clear and sunny with a high of 85 predicted. I started at 7 so it was still cool, especially in the lower portions of LMTT.

When I was starting out, there were 3 mountain bike boys getting ready to head up the trail. I made it up to the first look out at 5k before they caught up to me. I headed out while they paused for a break and I kept waiting for them to pass me on the trail but they didn't catch me until we were almost at the top of the single track (6.5 miles). But only 2 of them passed me. I made it to the top before the 3rd guy! When I got up there, I said "Woo, I'm 3rd!". They laughed and said I was first in their books. They were easily impressed. ;) We talked for a bit while we waited for their friend to get up there. They asked me about the bobcat down at the bottom of the trail and I was like "Whaaat?". They told me that when I was heading up the trail, there was a bobcat watching me. They thought I'd seen it but I hadn't. I was bummed that I missed it but also a little freaked out too. I really need to pay attention for things like that. They asked me if I carried anything just in case and I said no. I do have a knife that I used to carry with me on my photo expeditions (for opening stuff, etc. not safety). I don't know about carrying it while I run though.

After I left them, I saw my first wild animal on the trail! A little fox ran across the trail and pounced on something on the other side. That was very, very cool. Other than that, all I saw were birds and lizards.

It turned out to be 8 miles up to the top. The view up there was very cool...

Since I'd only planned 13 for the day, I decided to take a short cut on the way back and do Mystic Canyon. That would shorten the run down by 2 miles and bring the total for the day to 14 miles. Not a bad day at all even if I did fall on my backside coming down MC! The elevation at the top was 3471 and I'd started at 1200 and I had a total elevation gain of 2800. I wish it had been more. Sigh.

I was a little shaky when I got to the bottom of the trail. I didn't eat enough or maybe I was more tired from last week than I thought but I felt good after I ate. In fact, I took my mt bike out for a 15 mile ride in the afternoon. It was too beautiful a day to stay inside.

Next week, I'm supposed to do 20 miles on Sat & 10-12 on Sun. I might go over to AZ and do a 30K there on Sunday. I haven't decided yet. It's in White Tank which is right near where my sister and my dad live. I haven't been to AZ in a while and haven't seen the kids in forever so I think I should go. And not just because I'm addicted to racing. Really. Yeah, I don't believe me either. ;) Ha!

Here's one last photo from today's run. This is my favorite. I love the sunlight streaming into the photo.

I hope you all had a great weekend and that you have a fabulous week!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, awwwesome views! Ummm kinda scary about the bobcat and would have NO clue what to tell you to run with for safety. LOVE that you said to the guys you finished 3rd! Lisa, you're a rockstar!
