
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Better Than Disneyland - Run It Fast The Club

Oh, sure...Disneyland is fun. But you know what's more fun?

Run It Fast - The Club!

Today, I joined the Run It Fast Running Club. I'm really excited about this because I love being a part of the running community and I think the club will let me be more involved with it. I've looked high and low for a running club where I live, but there just aren't any nearby. One of the sucky things about living in SoCal is that everything is so spread out and when you've made a commitment not to drive, that makes it hard to do fun stuff that's 20/30 miles away. Unless it's a race, of course. :)

Joshua Holmes (@bayou) is the man behind Run It Fast and he has a passion for running that is out of this world. He also has a passion for helping runners and that's why he started Run It Fast. The best part is…you don't have to be “fast” to be part of the community! Like he says “Everyone's ‘Fast’ is relative and 100% subjective.” Take it from a girl who's faster in her head than in her legs…he really means it. Not only that, but everyone I have met through Run It Fast has been absolutely amazing in terms of encouragement and support and they feel the EXACT same way. It’s all about the love of running at Run It Fast.

Now, that isn't to say they aren't competitive or that I can't be competitive with them. (I've got my eye on that points system for runner of the year he mentioned!). But it's way more about having fun and sharing.

If you've always wanted to be a part of a running club but don't have access to one near you (or even if you do), I encourage you to check out the Run It Fast Running Club. You get a Run It Fast Tech shirt when you sign up and that alone is worth it! I have one already and it is the softest, most comfortable tech shirt I own. I would sleep in it if I could. By the way, it really does get you a lot of support/comments while you are racing which I found out at the Rock & Roll Vegas and during my 12HR.

And who knows? You might find other runners in your area through Run It Fast that you didn't know. It's gonna be a blast. Come join the party!
Run It Fast - The Club!