
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Weekend Wandering

I ran long both Saturday and Sunday again. I'm out of control! Seriously, I'm choosing running over riding. I didn't ride my beloved Shark at all this weekend and I'm not planning on riding to work tomorrow either. Gasp! I know. But don't worry, I'm not driving. I'm going to run to work. Yep, I'm going to try run commuting!

But back to the weekend...

On Saturday, I ran 24.5 miles. I was going to run 20ish but then the forecast called for rain and I didn't feel like riding in the rain so I decided to fill my Saturday morning with a really long run and make it 24. Then since I ran 4.5 miles on Friday, I had to add .5 to Saturday's run because I just can't end the week with an extra half mile. It's weird, I know. So that was the plan.

I actually thought I might get to start before the rain started but when I walked out the door, it was already raining. So I went back in and grabbed my Brooks jacket and then headed out. It wasn't too bad except when I ran into the wind (which was cold). My feet got soaked right away because all the north/south streets turn to rivers when it rains. Not fun but what can you do? The only bad part was that I wore my thin gloves and my hands got so cold that by the time I went to take my second gel, they were numb and I had a heck of time opening it. I changed my route so I could go by my apartment and switch them out.

When I stopped at my apartment, I changed my gloves and my jacket too. I knew it would get wet right away but it was nice to feel a little bit warm and dry. I was also at a food/electrolyte time so I grabbed a handful of pretzels. That worked out really well since I didn't want to carry them in the rain and I only had gels on me. I wanted to test out some changes in nutrition on this run and try taking gels/food and S Caps a little sooner than I normally do. This went really well and I had no stomach issues before or after. Woo!

So, I did the whole 24.5 as planned. I briefly thought of just going for 26.2 but decided not to push it. I felt pretty good at the end. What's funny is that my mind plays games on me during my long runs. If you're this tired at 15 miles, there's no way you can do 24.5. Same thing happens at 20 or whatever, the next step is. The funny thing is that the level of tiredness isn't more at 20 or 24 than it is at 15. Or, I get a second wind. Or the whole horse heading to the barn thing kicks in. Whatever it is, I've found that if you just keep going, you'll be fine.

On Sunday, I ran 13.2 miles in the morning and then another 4.5 in the evening. I didn't eat anything before or during the morning run. No carbs at all, just water. This was a pretty good run. I wasn't too tired and I'm getting used to running in a carb depleted state like this. I do this to try and simulate running through a bonk. I would say I bonked a little but it wasn't a slogfest so I'm happy. There was a beautiful sunrise to distract me. The lingering clouds from yesterday's storm caught the sun and set the sky on fire. Very cool.

It's supposed to rain again tomorrow and I have no desire to ride to work in it. Or home after. The cleanup is just too much. Wiping down my bike, lubing the chain, drying out all my gear...not fun. I had lunch with my grandpa today and on the way home, I stopped at work and dropped off clothes and food for tomorrow so I can run to work in the morning and only carry the essentials. I'm probably going to use my Nathan Hydration Vest without the bladder to carry my stuff. It will be interesting to see how it goes. Wish me luck!

My feet did a lot of wandering this weekend but so did my fingers. On Saturday, I signed up for my 1st 100 Miler! Holy crap! I'm in for the Javelina Jundred in Arizona in October! It will be fun. I think. ;) I already talked to my sister and I added the camping permit to my registration so we can camp there that weekend. Luckily, they have a 5/6 person tent. My nephew, Max, says he's in. Ha, he wants to go this weekend!

It's also only 11 days til I leave for Tennessee! I've been researching places that I want to visit. I think my sister would kick my butt if I visited Graceland before she does so I might not go there but I do want to visit Beale Street, see the ducks at the Peabody Hotel, and check out Elmwood Cemetery. Or, I'll just wander around while I'm there. Who knows...I may see Elvis.

Hope you all had a great weekend!


  1. But out of control in a good way! Saw you posted on twitter that you ran in to work today! Way to go! Is that worthy of it's own blog post?

    1. Thanks! Yes, I plan to do one tonight or tomorrow.

  2. Wow. Congrats for signing up for your first 100-miler! With the way you are running and training now, you are going to have no problem with that race!! When I was training for a 24-hour race (ended up finding out I was pregnant a few weeks into the training), I enjoyed running long on back to back days. I got up to 2x 20-milers - it was awesome. Sunday's run was always a bit tougher for me - but it was such a fantastic feeling!
    Congrats, again on the awesome running weekend - hope you had a good run into work today! =)

    1. Thanks Michele! I hope to be as strong & speedy as you! Sundays are usually harder/slower for me too.
