
Friday, January 6, 2012

Goals and Race Plans for 2012

I say Race Plan but it's more like my Fun Plan for 2012! My goals for 2012 are:

*Have fun!!!
*Run on dirt more.
*Run races with the names of animals in them.

Not all of the races I have planned fit that last goal but it was surprisingly easy to find a lot that did. Here's what I’ve signed up for so far:
1/7 – Southern California Half Marathon (w/my 007 friend from London so I can't tell you her name!)
1/28 – Wild Horse Half Marathon
2/4 – Jackson Jackass 50K (w/TN tweeps! Oh yeah!)
4/22 – Foxy Run Half Marathon

I also plan on signing up for these races as soon as I get the funds/registration opens:
2/26 – La Jolla Canyon 50K
3/24 – Old Goat 50 Miler
5/26 – Nanny Goat 12/24 Hour
6/10 – Cougar Run Half Marathon
7/4 – Firecracker 5000
8/4 – E.T. Full Moon 51K <-- not an animal name but still good for a SciFi geek (w/Kristie! Woo!)
9/29 – Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (w/Teal & Beth! Woo!)
10/14 – Raptor Ridge Half Marathon (Dirt Devil Series)
11/18 – Harpeth Hills Flying Monkey (w/lots of tweeps)
11/24 – San Dimas Turkey Trot 10K
12/8 – Coyote Ridge 50K <-- I HAVE to do this one! Come on!

I was also invited to do a Ragnar Relay in WA in July w/ my friend Toni but I don't know if I can do it though I would love to. I also need to get to TX sometime in the fall or winter, preferably for a flat, fast marathon so I can maybe get that sub4 goal. And there's no guarantee I'll get into the Flying Monkey (please cross your fingers for me). I won't know the fate of that one until August. If I don't get in, I might replace it with a 100K…which should be easier than the Flying Monkey!!!

The Old Goat 50 Miler scares the crap out of me so I haven't gathered up the courage to sign up for that one yet. There is another 50 Miler I could do that's easier. But it doesn't have an animal name and well, that would be a cop out to do something/not do something because I'm afraid, wouldn't it? The elevation profile"

So that's it so far. Luckily, I should be paying my car off this summer so it will free up some funds for race fees/traveling. The only traveling/overnighters on the list are the JJ50K, ET, HHFM, & CR. The rest are local or San Diego so still one day. I will probably throw in some other local 5K/10K races when I can.

January is my last month with Jason and after that I'm on my own. I'm going to miss his advice and letting him figure out what I need to do but I think it will be good for me to be out on my own for a while.

I cannot wait to experience all that 2012 has in store for me. It's going to be a good year. :)


  1. Woohoo! Glad to see some ultras on your radar! :) Good luck, and happy running!

  2. That elevation profile is a little steep, but embrace it! You can do it!

    I'm running the NW Ragnar too!

  3. Favorite part of this post:

    9/29 – Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon (w/Teal & Beth! Woo!)

    YESSS!!! We can't wait to read all about what 2012 has in store for you! It's gonna be a great year!

  4. I'm already thinking about my costume for it! I'm thinking Tink or Belle right now.
