
Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Countdown Starts

Just 10 days til the Santa Rosa Marathon! I have got to distract myself so I don't over think this. I need to read. I need to write. I need to submerse myself in a good series. Any recommendations? Help!

In the meantime, here is a countdown of the top ten things I loved/learned while training for the Santa Rosa Marathon:

10 – Believe it or not, I loved the 10x1' and 5x2' intervals that Jason, my coach, had me do. Yeah, I can't believe it either.

9 – I am so happy that my calf is doing fine! Just one twinge once but other than that it's been fine.

8 – I learned not to sweat the small stuff. I didn't have a big plan mapped out for this one marathon like I did the others. I got my weekly training from Jason and I was good with whatever he threw my way. I think that this being the 4th one had a lot to do with it. But if you knew what a planner I am, then you’d know that this was a big thing for me.

7 – I love that I recovered from my long runs so quickly this go round. It tells me I’m stronger and I’m better prepared for them.

6 – I love that I consistently hit the times that Jason set for me during training. That gives me a lot of confidence going into this taper.

5 – I think I finally learned what works for me nutritionally during my long runs – Honey Stinger Waffles and Blueberry Pomegranate. And that I can do a gel before the run but not during. Mmm…waffles…

4 – I learned that I’m faster than I thought.

3 – I loved every one of my long runs.

2 – I wrote my first runku, er, haiku about running during my long run on Saturday. It was inspired by the full moon we had that night. It’s totally cheesy but I was pretty proud of myself and it kept me occupied for a few miles. Here it is:

howling moon guiding,
hunter chases down her PRey:
coyote running!

Well? Bad? ;)

1 – Best of all, I learned I can deal with setbacks without falling apart when I had my calf issue in June. There was no reaching for donuts. No wallowing in self pity. I dealt with it and adjusted my plans and I think it worked out really well.

I'd say this has been a pretty good journey for me, wouldn't you? Now, if I can just survive this taper...

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