
Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Random Thoughts - Seattle Weekend of Fun

My Seattle Rock & Roll weekend was one of my favorite running vacations! I had so much fun and checked everything off my Seattle to-do list. It was a jam-packed 4 days and I'm tired. But in a good way. These are just some random thoughts from the race and the weekend:

*While the Rock & Roll was fun, I probably won't do another one. I think I like smaller, less crowded runs. I didn't get to see as much as I would like since I had to make sure I didn't run into anyone.
*I did feel a little jealous/bitter when I saw the other marathoners before the start. Just a little. Then I gave myself a little kick in the backside and told myself to move on. I never looked back after that.
*This was the first time I followed a pacer and I didn't really like it. She didn't run even splits and it was too hard dodging the other people running with the pacer. I think I could have run a little faster or a little easier if I hadn't had to dodge so many people, especially around the aid stations.
*I carried Gu Brew with me and had a gel right before we started so I didn't have to use any of the aid stations. I like this a lot and it's what I've done the last few halfs that I've done. Definitely going this way in the future. Added bonus: it also means I didn't contribute to the trash along the route!
*I enjoyed the bands along the route and could have stopped to listen to a few of them. I thought the cheerleaders did a great job. I especially liked the zombie cheerleaders near the finish. They cracked me up. So appropriate.
*I really like the zen-ness of running a marathon and training for one. But I have to say that running a half marathon is a total kick. You feel like you put in a great effort but you aren't so spent after that you can't do other fun stuff.
*27,000 people ran the marathon and half marathon and everything went like clockwork for me. I was in and out of the registration fast, gear check in was quick and picking up my bag after was even quicker. There was plenty of food and water both before and after (even if it was a little plain). Probably the longest I had to wait was for the photo with my medal. Should have skipped that though – I blinked!
*People complained about the hills afterward. I didn't think it was very hilly. A few small ones and some really good downhills (which my quads reminded me of the next day) but mostly flatish. This was the least hilly race I've done so far this year. It makes me happy to know that I am doing so well with hills. I kind of like them. :)
*I think I pissed some people off because when they asked if I ran, I would say “just the half” or “only the half”. I need to stop doing that. But hey, the half marathon is a fun run for me!
*My 10K split during the half was 55:28 which is a PR for that as well. Does that count? My best 10K time was 55:56 which I did just last November. And I ran my little heart out in that Turkey Trot! That's pretty cool, eh? So fun to see how much I'm improving in such a short time. Thanks Jason! Can't thank you enough for all the help you've given me.

One last thing...Things don't always turn out the way you plan but if you can accept what happens and go with the flow, you may find yourself having an amazing adventure. Life works in mysterious ways sometimes.

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