
Thursday, May 26, 2011


I have not been doing a very good job of updating this blog. I think mostly because my life is pretty routine right now and I sometimes think…a little boring. But also, there is just so much I want to do and it seems like there is never enough time to do it all. I haven't even been to the bike shop to hang out in like 6 weeks. I don’t know how people who have kids manage!

Still, this past month has been a pretty darn good month:
-I started running long again. Woo!
-I got to see the Tour of California on a beautiful, sunny day up on a mountain (and did some running while we waited) with some great friends.
-I turned 43 and celebrated by going for an 18 mile run and then getting a massage.
-My tempo times have dropped significantly! I ran 6.5 miles today with 3 @ tempo and they were 8:17, 8:16, and 8:13! And I felt like I could have done another mile or two at that pace. Makes me smile to think that a year ago, my tempo pace was 9:45!
-I also went to the Renaissance Faire, had family in town, Mother’s Day, family gatherings, and got a raise!

May 2011 was one for the record books!

I can't believe May is almost over because that means there's only one month left until the Seattle Rock & Roll Marathon. I'm starting to get a little excited. I feel great and stronger than ever. I have dreamy goals and realistic goals for this race and I'm looking forward to seeing what I can do this time around. My goals are:
A+ - 4 hrs
A – 4:10
B – 4:14
C – Finish

4:14 is what I did at the Lost Dutchman in February and I'm pretty confident that I can do that again since this course will have less hills and no dirt. 4:10 is what Jason and I chose for my goal time for this one and that is what I’m going to shoot for.

But the 4 hour goal is my dream goal. I am just kind of putting it out there to let the possibility percolate in my mind. You never know what can happen. What's funny is that the last few races I've run, I picked a time for a dream goal and ended up hitting them. I know it will get harder to hit dream times as I lower them but might as well shoot for the moon, eh?

The good news is that I have plenty of reading to keep me occupied for the next month so I won't get too excited/anxious. I am currently reading two books: Relentless Forward Progress: A Guide to Running Ultramarathons by Byron Powell and The Wise Man's Fear (Kingkiller Chronicles, Day 2) by Patrick Rothfuss (993 pages long!). And I have 6 more books downloaded on my Kindle: 3 more running/sports books - Run! By Dean Karnazes, I'm Here to Win by Chris McCormack, and Which Comes First, Cardio or Weights? by Alex Hutchinson and then 3 more fiction books - A Discovery of Witches: A Novel by Deborah E. Harkness, and 2 Highlander romance novels (my guilty secret). ;) So plenty to read. If I can only find the time…

1 comment:

  1. I feel like you Lisa - I have a stack of books on my nighstand that's over a foot tall and my to-do list is a mile long (wedding related, mostly...).

    Great job on the tempo run today too; you didn't tell me about that! :)
