
Friday, December 31, 2010

What Was And What Will Be

2010 is coming to a close. Just a few more hours for me but I'll be going to bed in an hour. I have a 20 miler scheduled for tomorrow. Can't think of a better way to start the new year off.

My favorite moments of 2010:
1. Completing my first marathon - the Eugene - in May.
2. Running my second marathon - The Mohawk Hudson - in October.
3. Shaving 6 1/2 minutes off my 10K time in November at the Turkey Trot.
4. My 4th of July ride.
5. Fitting into a pair of size 8 jeans! Which are loose now!

Best of all, I hit my mileage goal for the bike - 5,575 miles. That's more miles than I drove this year. And I ran 1,512 miles! Three times as many as I ran in 2009. And no injuries! Woo!

Oh, and let's not forget the traveling. I've never been to Oregon or New York and I couldn't have picked 2 more beautiful marathons for my 1st two. Both along rivers with great views and lots to see and do in both towns.

2010 was a stellar year for me. I learned a lot and accomplished alot and I would have to say it was one of the best I've ever had!

I am so lucky that I get to be active and have adventures and travel. I am hoping for more of the same in 2011 but I'm going to set even more ambitious goals:

1. Run a 4 hr marathon
2. Run a 50k
3. Ride 6,000 miles
4. Run 2,000 miles
5. Visit 2 more states I've never been to

They say if your goals don't make you nervous, they aren't ambitious enough. Well, I have butterflies in my stomach as I write this. But I'm excited too. I'm already working on the plans that will make these goals happen: Coaching, signing up for the Seattle Rock & Roll, getting out on my road bike more, getting faster on the bike & the run so I can get more miles in w/out adding more hours (or too many more). And do it all by staying healthy and getting stronger.

Happy New Year!

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